Georgia Caine

Poster for the movie "Santa Fe Trail"

Santa Fe Trail

As a penalty for fighting fellow classmates days before graduating from West Point, J.E.B. Stuart, George Armstrong Custer and four friends are assigned to the 2nd Cavalry, stationed at Fort Leavenworth. While there they aid in the capture and execution of the abolitionist, John Brown following the Battle of Harper’s Ferry.

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Poster for the movie ""

Affairs of Cappy Ricks

Cappy Ricks, a crusty old sea captain, returns home from a long voyage to discover that his family and his business are in chaos–his daughter is set to marry a nitwit that he can’t stand, and his future mother-in-law has taken over everything and is set to merge his business with that of a rival company. Worst of all, though, is that she–in the interests of “progress”–has completely automated his beloved ship, “Electra”!. He sets

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