Larry Fine

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Disorder in the Court

The Stooges are key witnesses at a murder trial. Their friend, Gail Tempest (a name whose parts are synonyms of each other), who dances at the Black Bottom cafe where the Stooges are musicians, is accused of killing Kirk Robin (a play on “Who Killed Cock Robin?”). Although the boys disrupt the proceedings, they manage to clear Gail’s name and extract the real murderer’s identity from a parrot.

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Poster for the movie ""

Malice in the Palace

Set in a desert land where the stooges run a restaurant, the boys set out to recover the stolen Rootin Tootin diamond after they learn from the thieves that the Emir of Shmo has absconded with the contraband jewel. They journey to the stronghold of Shmo where they disguise as Santa Clauses and scare the ruler into giving them the diamond.

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