Frank Melton

Poster for the movie ""

Second Chorus

Danny O’Neill and Hank Taylor are rival trumpeters with the Perennials, a college band, and both men are still attending college by failing their exams seven years in a row. In the midst of a performance, Danny spies Ellen Miller who ends up being made band manager. Both men compete for her affections while trying to get the other one fired.

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Poster for the movie "Pot o' Gold"

Pot o’ Gold

Jimmy, the owner of a failed music shop, goes to work with his uncle, the owner of a food factory. Before he gets there, he befriends an Irish family who happens to be his uncle’s worst enemy because of their love for music and in-house band who constantly practices. Soon, Jimmy finds himself trying to help the band by getting them gigs and trying to reconcile the family with his uncle.

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Poster for the movie ""

Affairs of Cappy Ricks

Cappy Ricks, a crusty old sea captain, returns home from a long voyage to discover that his family and his business are in chaos–his daughter is set to marry a nitwit that he can’t stand, and his future mother-in-law has taken over everything and is set to merge his business with that of a rival company. Worst of all, though, is that she–in the interests of “progress”–has completely automated his beloved ship, “Electra”!. He sets

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