
Poster for the movie "The Time of Your Life"

The Time of Your Life

Joe spends a lot of his time at Nick’s Pacific Street Saloon. Tom, who credits Joe with once saving his life, stops by regularly to run errands for Joe. Today, Tom notices a woman named Kitty when she comes into Nick’s, and he quickly falls in love with her. Meanwhile, a distraught young man repeatedly calls his girlfriend, begging her to marry him. Nick himself muses on all the various persons who come into his […]

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Poster for the movie ""

Affairs of Cappy Ricks

Cappy Ricks, a crusty old sea captain, returns home from a long voyage to discover that his family and his business are in chaos–his daughter is set to marry a nitwit that he can’t stand, and his future mother-in-law has taken over everything and is set to merge his business with that of a rival company. Worst of all, though, is that she–in the interests of “progress”–has completely automated his beloved ship, “Electra”!. He sets

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Poster for the movie ""

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

Sweeney (Anthony Newley) is a playwright on a career decline. He spends much of his time wheedling money and beer out of his artistic friend Moriarty (Isaac Hayes). One of his few highlights is weekly sex with his ex-wife Georgia (Stefanie Powers). She is remarried to a rich but vile construction developer (Henry Ramer), but Sweeney and Gorgina are still in love.

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Poster for the movie ""

The Last Time I Saw Paris

Charles returns to Paris to reminisce about the life he led in Paris after it was liberated. He worked on “Stars and Stripes” when he met Marion and Helen. He would marry and be happy staying in Paris after his discharge and working for a news organization. He would try to write his great novel and that would come between Charlie, his wife and his daughter

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Poster for the movie "Our Daily Bread"

Our Daily Bread

John and Mary sims are city-dwellers hit hard by the financial fist of The Depression. Driven by bravery (and sheer desperation) they flee to the country and, with the help of other workers, set up a farming community – a socialist mini-society based upon the teachings of Edward Gallafent. The newborn community suffers many hardships – drought, vicious raccoons and the long arm of the law – but ultimately pull together to reach a bread-based

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Poster for the movie "Sagebrush Trail"

Sagebrush Trail

Imprisoned for a murder he did not commit, John Brant escapes and ends up out west where, after giving the local lawmen the slip, he joins up with an outlaw gang. Brant finds out that ‘Jones’, one of the outlaws he has become friends with, committed the murder that Brant was sent up for, but has no knowledge that anyone was ever put in jail for his crime. Willing to forgive and forget, Brant doesn’t

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Poster for the movie "Guest in the House"

Guest in the House

Evelyn (Anne Baxter), an emotionally vulnerable and unstable woman, stays at the home of her doctor Dan Proctor (Scott McKay). There she meets and falls in love with his brother, Douglas (Ralph Bellamy), who is happily married to Ann (Ruth Warrick). Evelyn then sets forth to break up the happy marriage and win the love of Douglas — with tragic results.

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Poster for the movie "The Dark Side of Tomorrow"

Just The Two Of Us

While their husbands are away on a hunting trip, two bored housewives get together to commiserate. One thing leads to another, and they wind up in bed. For one of the women the incident was just a pleasant diversion, but for the other it’s turned into a fixation, and when she sees her “lover” going after one of the male neighborhood hunks, things take a turn for the worse. Also know as The Dark Side

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Poster for the movie "Love from a Stranger"

Love from a Stranger

Ann Harding plays a lovely but somewhat naive young woman who goes on a European vacation after winning a lottery. Swept off her feet by charming Basil Rathbone, Harding finds herself married before she is fully able to grasp the situation. Slowly but surely, Rathbone’s loving veneer crumbles; when he casually asks Harding to sign a document turning her entire fortune over to him, she deduces that her days are numbered.

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