Charles Coleman

Poster for the movie "Salt of the Earth"

Salt of the Earth

Based on an actual strike against the Empire Zinc Mine in New Mexico, the film deals with the prejudice against the Mexican-American workers, who struck to attain wage parity with Anglo workers in other mines and to be treated with dignity by the bosses.

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Poster for the movie ""

Becky Sharp

The first feature length film to use three-strip Technicolor film. Adapted from a play that was adapted from William Makepeace Thackeray’s book “Vanity Fair”, the film looks at the English class system during the Napoleonic Wars era.

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Poster for the movie ""

The Border Patrolman

When a border patrolman catches their spoiled daughter smoking in a no-smoking area, parents hire him to watch over her. She then runs over to Mexico and gets involved with jewel thieves and he has to go save her.

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